How to Say 'Stop' in Arabic

July 22, 2024

Arabic, a rich and expressive language, offers several ways to say 'stop' each suited to different contexts. Whether commanding someone to cease an action, signaling a halt in traffic, or indicating that something has gone far enough, Arabic provides specific words and phrases to convey the message. Continue reading this article to learn how to say stop in Arabic.

How to Say Stop in Arabic

In Arabic, the word for "stop" can be expressed in several ways, depending on the context:

  • توقف (tawaqqaf)

    Meaning: Often used as a direct command to stop doing something.

    Example: "!توقف عن الكلام" (Tawaqqaf 'an al-kalam.) - "Stop talking."

  • قف (qif)

    Meaning: Frequently seen on traffic signs and used to instruct someone to stop immediately.

    Example: "!قف وانتظر" (Qif wa intazir.) - "Stop and wait."

  • كفى (kafa)

    Meaning: Used to indicate that something should cease, like saying "enough" in English.

    Example: "!كفى ضجيجًا" (Kafa dajijjan.) - "Enough noise."

  • أقلع عن (iqla' 'an)

    Meaning: Used to instruct someone to stop doing something or to desist from a particular action. It literally translates to "stop from" or "desist from."

    Example: "!أقلع عن التدخين" (Iqla' 'an al-tadkhin) - "Quit smoking."

  •  تخلى عن (takhalla)

    Meaning: Used to indicate that someone is relinquishing or leaving something behind. It can also imply detachment from a certain responsibility or situation.

    Example: ".تخلى عن عاداتك القديمة" (Takhalla 'an 'adatak al-qadima.) - "Abandon your old habits."

  •  كف عن (kiff 'an)

    Meaning: Used to instruct someone to stop doing something. It is a directive to halt an action or behavior.

    Example: "!كف عن الإزعاج" (Kiff 'an al-iz'aj.) - "Stop the noise."

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