How to Say "My Name Is" in Arabic

July 18, 2024

Whether meeting new friends, participating in a business meeting, or simply traveling in an Arabic-speaking country, knowing how to present yourself in Arabic will help you make a positive impression and build connections. In this article, you will learn how to say my name is in Arabic and the key phrases for introducing yourself.

How to Say My Name Is in Arabic

To confidently introduce yourself in Arabic, use the following essential phrases and structures:

Introducing Yourself


  • مرحبًا / السلام عليكم

    Transliteration: Marhaban / As-salamu alaykum.
    Translation: Hello / Peace be upon you.

Your Name:

  • ... اسمي ... / أنا

    Transliteration: Ismi ...
    Translation: My name is ...

Your Origin:

  • ... أنا من

    Transliteration: Ana min ... [Your Country/City].
    Translation: I am from ... [Your Country/City].

Your Age:

  • عمري ... عامًا

    Transliteration: Umri [Your Age] 'aman.
    Translation: I am [Your Age] years old.

Your Job/Profession:

  • ... أنا أعمل كـ

    Transliteration: Ana a'mal ka ... [Your Job/Profession].
    Translation: I work as a ... [Your Job/Profession].

Asking About Others

Their Name:

  • ما اسمكَ؟ / ما اسمكِ؟

    Transliteration: Ma ismuka? (for a male) / Ma ismuki? (for a female).
    Translation: What is your name?

Their Origin:

  • من أين أنتَ؟ / من أين أنتِ؟

    Transliteration: Min ayna anta? (for a male) / Min ayna anti? (for a female).
    Translation: Where are you from?

Their Age:

  • كم عمرك؟ / كم عمركِ؟

    Transliteration: Kam umruk? (for a male) / Kam umruki? (for a female).
    Translation: How old are you?

Their Job/Profession:

  • ماذا تعمل؟ / ماذا تعملين؟

    Transliteration: Matha ta'mal? (for a male) / Matha ta'maleen? (for a female).
    Translation: What do you do?

Full Example

Here's how a complete introduction might look:

  • .مرحبًا، اسمي أحمد. أنا من مصر. عمري خمسة وعشرون عامًا. أنا أعمل كمهندس

    Transliteration: Marhaban, ismi Ahmad. Ana min Misr. Umri khamsa wa ishrouna 'aman. Ana a'mal k-muhandis.
    Translation: Hello, my name is Ahmad. I am from Egypt. I am twenty-five years old. I work as an engineer.

  • .مرحبًا أحمد، أنا علي. أنا من الأردن. عمري ثلاثون عامًا. أعمل كطبيب

    Transliteration: Marhaban Ahmad, ana Ali. Ana min al-urdun. Umri thalathun 'aman. A'mal ka-tabibah.
    Translation: Hello Ahmad, I am Ali. I am from Jordan. I am thirty years old. I work as a doctor.

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