How to Say "God Bless" in Arabic

July 07, 2024

"God bless" is a request or invocation for God's grace and benevolence to be bestowed upon someone. This could include good health, happiness, success, and general well-being. Continue reading this article to learn how to say God bless in Arabic.

How to Say 'God Bless' in Arabic

The phrase 'God bless' has several meanings in Arabic. Here are a few, along with their meanings in English:

  • اللهم بارك (Allahumma barik)

    It is an Arabic phrase that means "O Allah, bless." This phrase is often used in prayers and supplications to ask for God's blessings on someone or something. It is a concise and heartfelt way to invoke divine favor and grace.

    Example: ".اللهم بارك في عمره" (Allahumma barik fi 'umrih) - "O God, bless his life."

  • بارك الله فيك (Baraka Allahu fīk)

    It is an Arabic phrase that means "God bless you." It is often used to express gratitude, appreciation, or goodwill towards someone.

    Example: ".بارك الله فيك وفي عملك" (Baraka Allahu fik wa fi 'amalik) - "God bless you and in your work."

    If addressing a female, you would say "بارك الله فيكِ" (Baraka Allahu fiki). For a group or plural, you would say "بارك الله فيكم" (Baraka Allahu fikum).

  • الله يبارك لك (Allah yubarik lak)

    It is an Arabic phrase that means "May God bless you" or "God bless you." It is used to express good wishes, blessings, or congratulations towards someone.

    Example: ".تهانينا، الله يبارك لك" (Tahanina, Allah yubarik lak) - "Congratulations, God bless you."

    If addressing a female, you would say "الله يبارك لكِ" (Allah yubarik laki). For a group or plural, you would say "الله يبارك لكم" (Allah yubarik lakum).

  • الله يكرمك (Allah yukrimuk)

    It is an Arabic phrase that means "May God bless you" or "May God reward you." It conveys blessings, praise, or acknowledgment of someone's good deeds, qualities, or actions.

    Example: ".شكرًا، الله يكرمك" (Shukran, Allah yukrimuk) - "Thank you, God bless you."

    If addressing a female, you would say "الله يكرمكِ" (Allah yukrimuki). For a group or plural, you would say "الله يكرمكم" (Allah yukrimukum).

  • الله يعزك (Allah yu'izzak)

    It is an Arabic phrase that means "May God bless you" or "May God give you honor." It is a prayer or wish for someone to be granted respect, dignity, and honor by God.

    Example: ".الله يعزك ويثبت خطاك" (Allah yu'izzak wa yuthabbit khutak) - "May God bless you and keep you steadfast."

    If addressing a female, you would say "الله يعزكِ" (Allah yu'izzik). For a group or plural, you would say "الله يعزكم" (Allah yu'izzakum).

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