How to Say 'Aunt' in Arabic

July 23, 2024

An aunt is a female relative who is the sister of one's parent or the wife of one's uncle. In Arabic, the term used for an aunt differs based on whether she is on the paternal or maternal side of the family. Read this article, to learn how to say aunt in Arabic.

How to Say Aunt in Arabic

In Arabic, the word for 'aunt' differs based on whether she is from the paternal or maternal side, as follows:

  • عمة (ʿamma) - Paternal aunt (father's sister).

    Example: ".عمتي تعيش في المدينة" (ʿammati taʿish fi al-madina.) - "My aunt lives in the city."

  • خالة (khala) - Maternal aunt (mother's sister).

    Example: ".خالتي تعمل معلمة" (khalati taʿmal muʿallima.) - "My aunt works as a teacher."

Additionally, an aunt can also be the wife of your uncle (whether he is your parent's brother or sister's husband), though she may not be a blood relative.

How to Say Aunt in Arabic Dialects


Egyptian Arabic, also known as 'Masri' or Egyptian colloquial Arabic, is a spoken dialect of the Arabic language primarily used in Egypt. It is distinct from Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), the formal written language used in literature, media, and official communication across the Arab world.

  • عمتو (ʿammtu)

    Example: ".عمتو جابت لنا هدايا" (ʿammtu gabet lena hadaya.) - "My aunt brought us gifts."

  • خالتو (Khaltu)

    Example: ".خالتو ساكنة جنبنا" (khaltu sakna janbna.) - "My aunt lives next to us."

Gulf (Khaliji)

Gulf Arabic refers to the Arabic dialect spoken in  Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and parts of Iraq and Iran. It's also known as Khaliji.

  • عمة (ʿamma)

    Example: ".أحب عمة مرة" (ahubʿamma marra.) - "I love my aunt very much."

  • خالة (khala)

    Example: ".خالة تزورنا في الأعياد" (khala tazuruna fi al'aeyad.) - "My aunt visits us during the holidays."


Levantine Arabic refers to the variety of Arabic dialects spoken in the Levant region, which includes countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and parts of Iraq. It's one of the major branches of Arabic dialects.

  • عمتي ('ammati)

    Example: ".اشتقت لعمتي" (ishta't le 'ammati.) - "I miss my aunt."

  • خالتي (khalati)

    Example: ".خالتي كتير طيبة" (khalati keter tayiba.) - "My aunt is very kind."

Darija (Maghrebi)

"Darija" refers to the Arabic dialects spoken in the Maghreb region of North Africa, including Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Mauritania.

  • عمتي ('ammati)

    Example: ".أشبه عمتي" ('ashabeh 'ammati.) - "I look like my aunt."

  • خالتي (khalati)

    Example: ".خالتي كتطيب أزين الماكلة" (khalti kat-tayib azin al-makla.) - "My aunt cooks the best food."

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