DALIL: The Best App to Learn Arabic

April 08, 2024

The Arabic language unlocks a world of possibilities, it’s the key to understanding the Quran and Islamic traditions for Muslims, with over 300 million speakers, Arabic is vital for business and travel across the Middle East and North Africa, it boasts a rich literary heritage and opens doors to fascinating cultures, dive into Arabic and broaden your horizons. Online education is booming, it has grown over 900% since its inception, and experts expect the rise to continue, this increase is fueled by convenience, affordability, and a wider range of courses than ever before, from degrees to hobbies, online learning allows you to gain skills and knowledge on your schedule, join the future of education and explore online learning today. In this article, we will share with you the best app to learn Arabic!

Best App To Learn Arabic

In our interconnected world, where Eastern and Western cultures meet, the importance of embracing diverse languages is evident. Recent events in Gaza emphasize the need for cross-cultural understanding, and eArabic.io steps up to meet this demand. This innovative start-up introduces "DALIL," a groundbreaking solution for Arabic language learning that blends cutting-edge AI technology with the imperative of global discourse.  Through its AI-powered platform, DALIL offers interactive subtitles for real-life videos, enabling users to practice reading at their pace with instant translations. DALIL is one of the most popular resources out there for learning the Arabic language. Its content places a strong emphasis on aural and verbal communication skills, paying less attention to grammar explanations and reading or writing skills. 

What is DALIL?

DALIL is considered the best app to learn Arabic from the basics in a fun and easy way. DALIL goes beyond language proficiency. It empowers learners to explore the beauty of the language, facilitating cultural understanding. The interactive subtitles encompass a wide range of real-life videos, exposing learners to diverse voices, accents, and nuances.

DALIL Provides Different Learning Resources

Learn Arabic through different resources such as movies, songs, sports, and inspiring speeches. The fact that the lessons are presented as a video lands this resource in the best apps for reading and listening category. Still, it provides quality practice in a variety of skills. DALIL manages to be entertaining while delivering valuable grammar, vocabulary, and cultural information via a diverse collection of videos, organized by different topics, and equipped with Arabic scripts accompanied by English translations for easier understanding. 

DALIL Supports Self-Learning Journey

The best app to learn Arabic, also known as DALIL, covers a range of levels, from beginner to advanced, but shines at all levels. There’s a fair amount of videos at each level, and as you progress the content becomes more challenging. There are also videos to keep things engaging and transcripts to maximize the learning potential. You can learn Arabic with DALIL, whenever and wherever you are!

DALIL Presents Dual-Language Subtitles

If you’re having difficulty setting up an exchange due to language barriers, then the app’s built-in translation feature allows you to watch all videos with Arabic-English subtitles. With DALIL, the best app to learn Arabic, your Arabic learning journey will be much fun. Hover over a word to look it up instantly, and control the pace of your video.

DALIL Translates Every Vocabulary

To be able to express yourself effectively while learning a new language, you need to know basic vocabulary. A rich vocabulary makes learning and communication in Arabic a lot easier. Have a look at DALIL, it provides a translation and a definition for each vocabulary that has been mentioned in the video for learning and improving your Arabic vocabulary.

Ready to start your language journey? Learn Arabic online on eArabic, where you can have much practice with native Arabic tutors. You’ll get a personalized study plan based on your level and study goals. To get started, choose a preferred tutor and schedule your trial lesson at a time that suits you the most. Book for a free Arabic lesson!