Best 5 Books to Learn Arabic for Elementary Students

November 21, 2023

Arabic is a complex language that needs lots of work and consistency, however, diving into the world of Arabic language instruction for children is not only feasible but can also be an enjoyable journey. Teaching Arabic to children is easy, preferably at a young age; because it’s like engraving on a stone and will provide them with many skills as they grow up. To make the process easier for you, in this article, we suggest the best books to learn Arabic for children, especially for elementary students.

The Importance of Reading for Children

The most effective method to facilitate Arabic learning for children is by captivating them with Arabic books and fascinating narratives. Enjoy reading to/with your children, here are some of the many benefits of reading to children include:

  • Enrich their vocabulary.
  • Acquire greater perspective.
  • Reading expands the mind.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Reading improves concentration.
  • Gain valuable knowledge.
  • Exercise the brain.
  • Improve memory.

Best 5 Books to Learn Arabic for Elementary Students

  1. Al Yasmeen Books: The perfect books set for your children to learn Arabic.

  2. Learn Arabic For Kids: One of the best books to learn Arabic, it is designed thoughtfully for English-speaking families keen on nurturing a bilingual child, our book becomes an enchanting bridge between cultures, fostering a deep love for the Arabic language.

  3. Learning Arabic With Angela: Five short bilingual stories in English and modern standard Arabic for children.

  4. My First Book of Arabic Words: A book contains colorful photographs and simple labels to make learning Arabic easy for children. It is one of the best books to learn Arabic words.

  5. My First Arabic 1 to 100 Numbers Book: A bilingual early learning & easy numbers book for children. It is considered one of the best books to learn Arabic numbers.

Online Arabic Lessons for Non-Native Speakers

eArabic, an online platform, is specially made to meet your child's needs. With our fun engaging teaching methods, your children will enjoy learning Arabic. As we all know, children love games, songs, and stories and that’s what we focus on in our courses. With our professional and certified Arabic tutors, your children will learn Arabic effectively in a way they can never forget. Book a free Arabic lesson now!